Assuming Responsibility for the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities in Education

The Anthropocene emphasizes that all of us are collectively responsible for the future of the world. Society will have to legitimize science and technology, focusing in particular on education as one of the most powerful tools for transformation, in order to make the Anthropocene long-lasting, equitable, and worth-living. Boundaries between science and the education process will probably vanish, giving way to new transdisciplinary approaches, with science and society interacting in a great variety of new ways. This paper attempts to outline some of them and presents a couple of practical examples on the way towards a necessary reorganization of educational systems.
Assuming Responsibility for the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities in Education, Leinfelder, R. In: Anthropocene - Envisioning the Future of the Age of Humans (Trischler, H.) RCC-Perspectives 2, 9-76. 2013. Rahcel Carson Center, Munich

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