Cur(at)ing the Planet—How to Exhibit the Anthropocene and Why

The Anthropocene is a geological hypothesis and a conceptual framework that is currently being probed for its phenomenological and epistemic relevance in a wide array of scientific disciplines. As a unifying concept giving a name to manifold problems and environmental challenges, it has both proponents and opponents. Still open for discussion and interpretation, the Anthropocene requires us to think hard, reflect, and debate in order to develop mechanisms, structures, and values for shaping and living in this “epoch of humans.” Its undeterminedness makes the Anthropocene an unfamiliar and challenging topic for several reasons. Because the Anthropocene’s temporal boundaries are still unclear, it contests the somewhat comforting periodization of history, depriving us of anchors for interpreting our past and asking us to look anew at the relation between human and Earth history. It focuses on human beings as dramatis personae, but situates them firmly in and of the natural world, bringing up not just scientific, social, and cultural, but also fundamental philosophical and ethical questions.
Cur(at)ing the Planet—How to Exhibit the Anthropocene and Why. Möllers
, N. In: Anthropocene - Envisionig the Future of the Age of Humans (Trischler, H.). RCC-Perspectives 2, 57-66. 2013. Rahcel Carson Center, Munich

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