The STS forum members are expected to participate, not as representatives of their country or organization, but as individuals expressing their own views. This forum is not necessarily a platform for specialists to unilaterally convey their knowledge, but rather an opportunity for real dialogue among peers. Participants should also undertake cross-border activities towards the establishment of shared values and commitment for the future.
STS Forum: Using Science to Solve Humankind Problems
The STS forum members are expected to participate, not as representatives of their country or organization, but as individuals expressing their own views. This forum is not necessarily a platform for specialists to unilaterally convey their knowledge, but rather an opportunity for real dialogue among peers. Participants should also undertake cross-border activities towards the establishment of shared values and commitment for the future.
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Platform anthropocene Inc. or planthro is a New York
registered, globally active, not-for-profit public charity organization.
planthro targets scientists, students, citizens, governing
bodies, entrepreneurs and stakeholders concerned with the
concept of anthropocene and its multiple implications.
The organization aims at:
● conveying and sharing a lucid view of the complexity
characterizing human interaction with Earth,
● empowering individuals and organisations to work
collaboratively in economic, social, environmental, and
governance contexts,
● supporting and promoting informed and creative solutions
on sustainability, mitigation and adaptive strategies.
Find out more...
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