Les guerres du climat: Pourquoi on tue au XXIᵉ siècle

By force, the following observation became a commonplace: the Western model exploitation of natural resources reaches its limit; vital resources are being depleted in parts of Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, South America, the Arctic and the Pacific Island States.

In a masterly attempt to shape our future, nourished by lessons drawn from past historical situations but analyzed in their respective specificity, Harald Welzer takes a look to diagnose and draws the conclusion of this proven situation: 
"More and more men will have fewer and fewer bases to survive. Violent conflicts will oppose all those who claim to feed on a single piece of territory or drink from the same source drying up. Soon the distinction between refugees fleeing war and those fleeing their environment, between political refugees and climate refugees, will no longer be relevant, as new wars generated by middle. Climate-induced wars will be the direct or indirect form of conflict resolution in the twenty-first century and violence is promised a great future: humanity will not only witness massive migration, but violent solutions to refugee problems; tensions whose stake will be the rights to water and exploitation, but also to real wars for resources; to religious conflicts as wars of conviction." 

Digging further on the anthropology of violence traced by his previous research, Harald Welzer writes the first non-conventional story of the twenty-first century.

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