One Planet One Ocean

The ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, connecting all corners of the world, and provides the planet with some of the most important and basic economic, cultural, and environmental functions. In many ways, it also remains the last frontier. Humans have a greater understanding of the surface of the moon than they do of the depths of the oceans, hinting at untouched natural resources and unrecognized ecosystem services.

But the ocean is under threat, stressed by careless lifestyles and the increasing demands of a growing global population. Sustainable development hinges on our collective ability to be good stewards of the ocean.

"One Planet - One Ocean: From Science to Solutions" is a ten-week course presenting the challenges and opportunities facing oceans today. Led by the teams at GEOMAR, the International Ocean Institute, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, and Future Ocean, the course brings in some of the world's leading experts on ocean science to present the issues and potential solutions grounded in rigorous scientific research.

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