Positive Planet

Positive Planet shares the mission and values of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our organization works on all the contributory factors to drive development momentum in the field. Through its various programs, its objective is to impact the greatest number of beneficiaries, thus contributing positively to transforming our world for future generations.

Over the years, Positive Planet has learned to capitalize on its operational development expertise to offer three value proposition for a shared, sustainable and autonomous development to public institutions and private companies alike.

In 2016, nearly 2.2 billion people still live below the poverty line ($ 2 a day). However, the complete elimination of poverty will only be possible if the principles of the Positive Economy, an economy that is at the service of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, prevail.

As part of a broader objective of creating a Positive Economy and building sustainable development, Positive Planet International works to develop the socio-economic resilience of the most vulnerable populations by activating three essential levers in a combined way:
  • Know how to create and develop an activity,
  • To be able to finance his activity and protect his income,
  • Have access to markets.
With some 40 active projects, the organization intervened in more than 35 countries in 2016.

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