The Global Farm Platform

In 2012, common ideals and goals led a diverse group of scientists to create a vision of sustainable and responsible production of healthy food from healthy animals. Stimulated by the inspirational environment of Thiruvazhamkunnu, the group went on to develop that vision to a fuller understanding of the potential of a Global Farm Platform for optimisation of grazing livestock production systems. The ethos of this vision, summarised in our Position Paper, ‘Steps to Sustainable Livestock’, is now shared by a partnership of numerous scientists in world-leading universities and agricultural research institutions in six continents.

The Global Farm Platform partnership brings together the University of Alberta (Canada), the University of Bristol (UK), Kansas State University (USA), Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University (India), the Instituto National de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA, Uruguay), The University of Leeds(UK), Massey University (New Zealand), Penn State University (USA), Rothamsted Research (UK), the University of Sydney (Australia), the University of Western Australia, the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) and Zhejiang University (China).

The Global Farm Platform

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