Human Capital Report 2016

The World Economic Forum’s Human Capital Report ranks 130 countries on how well they are developing and deploying their talent. The index takes a life-course approach to human capital, evaluating the levels of education, skills and employment available to people in five distinct age groups, starting from under 15 years to over 65 years. The aim is to assess the outcome of past and present investments in human capital and offer insight into what a country’s talent base looks like today and how it is likely to evolve into the future. This year’s edition also explores new data sources to reveal fresh insights on skills diversity, the gig economy and talent mobility.

The purpose of the report is to help countries assess the outcomes of past and present policies and investments in education and skills and provide guidance on how to prepare the workforce for the future demands of the global economy. In addition to measuring the 130 countries that comprise the Report’s Human Capital Index, it also analyzes a mix of public and private data from online platforms such as, LinkedIn, Uber and Upwork to generate insights on skills gaps and the potential of the online gig economy.

Human Capital Report 2016

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