Rice Almanac

The Rice Almanac had its origins in 1993 as an answer to the long-felt need to bring together general information about rice—its origin, its growth and production, the ecosystems under which it is grown, and opportunities for increased yields. This first almanac was focused mainly on Asia.

This edition of the almanac further expands coverage up to 99.9% of the world’s rice production, covering 81 of the 117 rice-producing countries, and includes summary information for most rice producing regions.

The production and other statistics used herein are derived primarily from FAO, which include offi cial country data (FAOSTAT), surveys, reports, and personal communications; IRRI’s RICESTAT database, which is based on primary data from requests and questionnaires and secondary data from statistical publications and international organizations including FAO, the International Labor Organization, the World Bank, etc.; and regional data from AfricaRice and CIAT. As in any printed publication, these statistics will soon be outdated. An important function of Ricepedia will be to have the latest data available on demand at all times.

GRiSP (Global Rice Science Partnership). 2013. Rice almanac, 4th edition. Los Baños (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute. 283 p.

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