Anthropocene Alliance

The environmental crisis is global but its impacts are local. In recent years, many parts of the United States have suffered devastating floods and droughts, and degraded air and water quality as the result of poor planning, outdated infrastructure, climate change and simple greed. Unfortunately, politicians and business leaders have generally failed to address the challenge. Leadership will therefore have to come from the people and communities most affected.

Anthropocene Alliance assists individuals and communities harmed by environmental abuse and climate change. We give them the tools they need to communicate and organize, and help them get support from elected officials, government agencies, and voluntary organizations.

Our initiatives are premised on three key principles: 1) Resilience to current and anticipated climate change; 2) Mitigation of future risks by reducing the emission of global greenhouse gasses; and 3) Fair distribution of public and private resources. Because low income and minority communities are generally the first to suffer from climate change and environmental abuse, they should receive primary support.

Anthropocene Alliance

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