Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation

This unique transdisciplinary publication is the result of collaboration between UNESCO's Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) programme, the United Nations University's Traditional Knowledge Initiative, the IPCC, and other organisations. Chapters, written by indigenous peoples, scientists and development experts, provide insight into how diverse societies observe and adapt to changing environments. 

A broad range of case studies illustrate how these societies, building upon traditional knowledge handed down through generations, are already developing their own solutions for dealing with a rapidly changing climate and how this might be useful on a global scale. Of interest to policy-makers, social and natural scientists, and indigenous peoples and experts, this book provides an indispensable reference for those interested in climate science, policy and adaptation.

The book is edited by Douglas Nakashima, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), France ,Igor Krupnik, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC , Jennifer T. Rubis, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), France.

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