Art that focuses on environmental concerns

When I read the transcript of a talk she gave at Merrimack College I was struck by her profound knowledge and insight and asked her to share excerpts in this article. I’m delighted to present it here and help to raise awareness about art that focuses on environmental concerns. ~ Renée Phillips, Founder and Editor, The Healing Power of Art and Artists.

The author writes that as she read the history of New England’s ecology, she became aware of the incredible abundance of wild and sea life that once existed. The Native Americans here saw the earth and the use of it, in a very different way; they did not see land as a commodity, and considered use of it as temporary, so that lending of land was done with the expectation of its return. They believed in only the use of what was needed, through harvest and hunting, with a conscious recognition of the need for the earth, wildlife, and nature to be able to reproduce for following cycles, necessary for human beings’ survival.

There are various causes that have impacted these species, however even slight temperature changes cause dramatic impacts on native ecosystems — something that people rarely discuss. She further elaborates that, as we witness devastating floods and storms, the people who have done the least to cause it, are among the first to experience the worst consequences.

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