Greta Thunberg on averting a Climate Apocalypse at WEF 2020 in Davos

Global emissions of carbon dioxide remain on course to rise above 1.5°C despite clear and present risks. How can business and government work together to accelerate the fast and far-reaching changes this goal requires?

This session was developed in partnership with the New York Times. This session contributes to the work of the Forum’s Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, Mission Possible Platform and the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance.
Great Thunberg is a young climate activist.

The World Economic Forum is an international organization for public-private cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

Greta Thunberg on averting a Climate Apocalypse at WEF 2020 in Davos

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