Dr. Jenny Newell

As the manager of  International Collections and Climate Change Projects at the Australian Museum, Dr. Jenny Newell is engaged with the development of  climate change exhibitions, talks, web resources and workshops focusing on communities in Australia and the Pacific, as well as contributing to international networks of museums engaging with climate change. She chairs the Australian Museum’s Climate Change Communication Working Party, is a member of the ICOM Working Party for Sustainability and convenes the (independent) Museums & Climate Change Network. She co-edited Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change(Routledge) and Living with the Anthropocene: Love, Loss & Hope in the Face of Environmental Crisis(NewSouth, forthcoming).

Over the next three years the museum will expand its climate-change related exhibitions and online content providing the community with a trusted resource on climate change science and facts, based on the work of the Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI).

"I’ve started up a network called ‘Museums and Climate Change Network’. It’s really people who work in museums or are involved in museums, thinking about ways of better engaging the public in the issues of climate change and hoping to get some progress, some advance there on trying to address those major problems. And really involving communities, no matter where they are in the world - who have collections in museums - in the struggle,' says  Dr. Newell.

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