The Shift Project

The Shift Project is a French think tank advocating the shift to a post-carbon economy. As a non-profit organisation committed to serving the general interest through scientific objectivity, we are dedicated to informing and influencing the debate on energy transition in Europe.

The Shift Project aims to promote a sustainable economy that is neither anti-capitalist in principle nor out of step with scientific fact. Although they share certain characteristics, they do not define themselves as a scientific body or as a ‘traditional’ environmental NGO. Neither do they represent a particular strand of business.

The goal of The Shift Project is to borrow the best from each type of stakeholder to put forward global and constructive overviews, charting the way forward to a carbon free economy – overviews that do not assume a fundamental change in human nature before they can be applied.

The Shift Project uses a range of different resources: it forms working groups to examine the issues surrounding transition, hosts events designed to encourage discussion between stakeholders, engages in lobbying initiatives to target decision-makers in the widest sense, and builds partnerships with the academic world. At present, TSP is funded essentially by companies.

Their primary target group can be described as ‘intermediaries’, all those individuals whose analyses or work provide the raw material for economic and political decision-making.

The Shift Project

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