Museums of Climate Change

The Museums & Climate Change Network (MCCN) is a group of professionals who are concerned with extending and improving communication on the Anthropocene, including climate change, local and global environmental change, and supporting people to find ways forward in an increasingly challenging world.

The network provides with the lowdown on the six museums dedicated to the theme of 'climate change.'
  1. The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, was established in December 2013 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
  2. The Museum of Tomorrow in Rio, is an experimental museum, where the content is presented through a narrative that combines the accuracy of science with the expressiveness of art, using technology tools such as audio-visual aids.
  3. The Climate Museum in New York is creating a culture for action on climate, inviting people from all walks of life into the conversation and building community around just solutions. 
  4. The Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost is more than just a museum. It is a unique world of weather, climate and climate-change knowledge and experience. On an exhibition space of 11,500 square metre, guests can visit the different climate zones along the eighth longitude east, experience the connection between weather and climate, and investigate the causes of climate change.
  5. Climate House (Klimahuset) is a University of Oslo project that will create an environmentally friendly space for "research-based exhibitions, lectures, films, debates and experiences related to (the) climate and climate change."
  6. Begun in a time of relative plenty in Britain, the Museum of Water is travelling across the world gathering collections of water for future generations to consider.

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