Environmental Injustice - Indigenous Alternatives

As 60 million indigenous people living in the world's tropical forests, get threatened by clearing and degradation due to mining and oil extraction, large-scale agriculture and livestock farming, illegal logging and massive hydroelectric projects, the exhibition titled, "Environmental injustice - indigenous alternatives" throws light on their experiences and perspectives in the face of the degradation of their territories accelerated by climate change. Premiered by Julian Burger, Carine Ayélé Durand from
MEG (Musée d’ethnographie de Genève), Kenny Monteath (AECOM, an infrastructure consulting firm) and Johnathan Watts (MEG), the exhibition opened its doors at the Museum of Ethnography in Geneva in September 2021. 

Indigenous peoples live in all regions and in more than 70 countries. A series of interactive maps show where Aboriginal peoples live, based on language data and official government information available on Aboriginal land titles. Another map shows the extent to which global biodiversity coincides with the traditional lands of indigenous peoples. The exhibition argues that where indigenous peoples have full control of their lands, biodiversity is better protected - an assertion increasingly recognized by the scientific community. The map based on data from the Atlas of Environmental Conflict, shows how many environmental conflicts occur on the lands of indigenous peoples who seek to withstand undesirable and environmentally destructive projects. More than 500 conflicts are identified, many of which affect indigenous peoples and local communities. 

The exhibition also chronicles their struggle for the rights to self-determination, through different modes of resistance and significant agreements with the regional and international intergovernmental bodies. At a time when the impact of the human population on the planet's environment is unprecedented, the museum sends out the message that the time has come to listen to the voices of indigenous peoples.

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